TheRecipeManager allows you to print shopping lists. You can either print to a printer, or print to a pdf file. You can also export a shopping list to an iPod. See export to iPod for more details.

Once you have the Shopping List window open, select the list you wish to print. This could be the list of unpurchased, purchased or all items. Then select 'Print Shopping List' from the 'File' menu, or by press the 'Control + Shift + P' keys.

You will then see the Print Shopping List window that lets you specify how you wish to format the shopping list. The 'Normal size' and 'Condensed size' radio buttons let you choose how 'compact' you wish the list when it is printed. When selected, the 'Use current sorting' radio button means that the print out will use the ordering in the shopping list window, arrived at by clicking on column headings.